12 Things to Do to Start the Year off Right

It’s a brand new year! What are you hoping to accomplish this year? A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. No matter how big your goals are or how far fetched they may seem, anything is possible with the right mindset.

How can you set yourself up for success this year? Here are 12 Things to Do in January that can help this year be the best yet.

A New Year’s Resolutions List

if you will

1. Reflect on the Past Year:

Take some time to reflect on the previous year. What were your achievements, challenges, and lessons learned? Use this reflection to form your goals for the coming year. Knowledge is one of the greatest things to have. Learn from mistakes. Build on things you love. If you have a planner, review it to see what all you accomplished this past year.

It’s just as much about celebrating wins as it is learning from mistakes. Be proud of yourself!

2. Set Goals:

Establish clear and achievable goals for the year. Break them down into smaller, manageable tasks to make progress more attainable. Anything is possible. Get that in your head. No matter how big the goal is, it is doable.

You have that vision for a reason. And that reason is: because you were meant to achieve it. Break your goal down into monthly, weekly and daily tasks.

3. Create a Vision Board:

Pinterest is a great social media platform to use if you are needing some inspiration. Create a secret board and add very specific goals and ideas. Visualizing something in your head vs. seeing it on paper or through pictures are two different things. Make a vision board that visually represents your goals and aspirations. Use what inspires you to create a tangible reminder of what you want to achieve.

4. Review Finances:

Omg I love finance and numbers! (said no one ever) You need to be aware though. Assess your financial situation. Organize your bank accounts. Most have online apps that are relatively easy to navigate.

Create a budget, review your savings and investments, and set financial goals for the year. Make a plan so you’re not anxious about any of it.

For entrepreneurs and companies, look at your accounts and create a master file detailing each monthly payment and service. Evaluate subscriptions and cancel any you no longer need.

If you have no idea where to start, cancel the card you use mostly for work or a card with auto-drafted subscriptions or payments. Be notified when your subscription ends due to a failed payment. You can go from there.

5. Organize and Declutter:

Declutter your living and working spaces. Get rid of items you no longer need and organize your belongings. A tidy environment can contribute to a clearer mindset. Start with your closet. If there’s items that are too small, you don’t feel comfortable in or you haven’t worn in a year, throw them out.

6. Health and Fitness Planning:

Consider your health and fitness goals. Whether it’s starting a new exercise routine, improving your diet, or scheduling regular health check-ups, prioritize your well-being. Knock out your annual exams and take on a new physical challenge. This can be as simple as walking in the park a day or two each week. Start small and build.

You don’t have to stare at a wall either. Get to moving in the great wild. May we suggest hiking trails and the great outdoors in Tennessee?

7. Learn Something New:

Challenge yourself by learning a new skill or taking up a new hobby. This can be intellectually stimulating and personally fulfilling. It beats social media scrolling, and if you are going to be on social, opt in for something informative.

YouTube has countless how to channels and tutorials. Pick a skill or interest and start looking into it. You will find so many resources just waiting to be discovered.

8. Career and Professional Development:

Evaluate your career goals. Set professional development objectives, update your resume, and consider networking opportunities. Are you wanting to make a change this year? Want to quit the full time job to pursue your side gig? It’s possible. Tackle the things you are struggling with and lean into what you are passionate about.

9. Time Management and Planning:

Improve your time management skills by using tools like calendars and planners. Set priorities and plan your days, weeks, and months in advance. You can’t accomplish all your goals without setting time aside for each. Make it a point to create your own routine. Even if you can only focus on a new skill for an hour a day or 30 minutes, it’s still time you are cutting out. Everything counts.

10. Digital Detox:

A long scrolling session can leave you feeling empty and negative. Consider taking a break from excessive screen time and social media. A digital detox can help you focus on real-world experiences and relationships. It will all be there waiting when you want to come back. You’re not missing anything any way.

11. Self-Care:

Prioritize self-care. This could include meditation, spa days, or simply taking time for hobbies you love. Schedule a massage, get your nails done, book with a hair stylist….it’s okay to do things for yourself. If you’re feeling tired, learn to rest but don’t quit.

12. Buy a Planner

It’s impossible to remember 100 different things each day. Buy a planner or download a digital to do list. This is a game changer if you are trying to keep track of 500 different things – which let’s be honest, we all are!

Happy New Year, friends! We hope this is the best yet.

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