Design Inspiration: Wabi Sabi Home

Rendering by Rosemary Fields

What’s your idea of home? Is it a private estate with hedges and drawn curtains? Do you prefer a minimal design with giant windows for the view? Whatever your preference, there’s always a space or floor plan out there that suits your needs.

In this case, a glass home features walls blown out with oversized windows. Softer decor including dueling bulky velvet couches offset the hardy paneling and steel window frames. Ambient fixtures are hung lower for an almost eye level glow through the natural material.

If you’re familiar with design, you’ll see it favors wabi sabi. In traditional Japanese aesthetics, this style is sometimes described as one of appreciating beauty that is “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete” in nature. It is prevalent in many forms of Japanese art.

Wabi-Sabi Homes revolve around a look that’s rough around the edges and sees the beauty in imperfection but is at the same time creative, modern, and brave. It’s finding beauty in the imperfect and embracing the humble.


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